5 Things You Should Know About Your Knives To Save Your Finger

Do you cut your finger while cutting with a knife? Unless you are a professional chef (even if you are) chances are you have cut your finger at least once. The reason for this could be a number of things, from blunt blades to using the wrong knife. In fact, without proper use, the risk from knives is high and injuries rather common. If using a knife scares you because of this, know that with the right techniques and these five tips you can save your fingers.

The sharpness of the knife matters

One of the biggest reasons you get your fingers cut along with vegetables and fruits is using excessive force while cutting. A blunt knife makes you do this. Therefore, it is better to keep your knives sharpened. Better yet, get one that stays sharp for a long time like Damascus kitchen knives UK shops sell.

Do not corral with the blade

While still talking about the sharpness of the blade, avoid corraling cut pieces to the edge of the bard with the blade side. Doing so will reduce the sharpness of the knife. Instead, turn the knife over and use the spine to corral.

Choose the right knife for you

While you may be tempted to splurge when you see the sign kukri for sale UK home goods stores hang outside, it is better if you don't. Following latest fads will only get you a cut in the finger or huge hassle. Instead, choose a knife that suits you and your style better. Additionally, learn the right cutting techniques to make the most of the knives you buy.

Cutting board is the key

The composition of the cutting board you use can affect your knife. If you use one that is too hard, you risk ruining your knives. Therefore, glass, metal, stone, and ceramic are out. Ideally, wood, plastic, and bamboo are best suited for cutting boards. Moreover, when using them, make sure to keep the area clear and the board stable to protect your fingers.

Away from the sink and dishwasher

Regularly cleaning your knives is all good, but putting them in a sink or dishwasher is a bad, bad idea. If you put them in a sink, you risk your hands later. In the dishwasher, they can cut someone's hands and the plastic lining inside.


Knives may seem dangerous because of the sharp edges and their bad reputation in the kitchen. However, when used appropriately, they are the magic wands of cooking. Choosing the right knife and using them with the right techniques is essential. These five tips will help you save your fingers with ease. So, let's get cooking!


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