A bushcraft knife is a camper's best friend

In all fairness, a bushcraft knife is perhaps the most important piece of equipment in a camper’s survival toolkit. Experienced campers know the various uses of a bushcraft knife. It can be used for cooking, for chopping fruits and veggies, in order to protect yourself from a wild animal. Well, the list of uses is pretty much endless.

As a camper, you need to stay alert and abrupt at all times. Even a slight error in judgement can turn out to be fatal. Carrying a bushcraft knife along can help you keep your body and soul together.

Here’s a list of things that can be accomplished using a Bushcraft knife:


In the simplest of terms, batoning means splitting wood. Typically,  an axe or a saw is used to chop wood, but carrying an axe can turn out to be quite irksome. In order to make life easier for yourself, you can replace an axe with a heavy-duty bushcraft knife. A bushcraft knife can be used as a makeshift axe because of its incredibly sharp edges.

Self Defence:

That’s the most obvious use of a bushcraft knife. It is a handy survival tool and can be used to keep wild animals at bay. Additionally, a bushcraft knife also makes for an ideal hand-to-hand combat tool. Not just camping enthusiasts, army veterans also love keeping a bushcraft knife with them. A lot of knife owners go for foldable knives because they are easy to carry.

For cooking:

Many would argue that a Damascus pocket knife is the ideal tool for cooking, but carrying a couple of knives along can be difficult. Quite frankly, a bushcraft knife is a good enough tool to carry out a wide variety of cooking tasks. Because of its incredibly-sharp edges, it can be used to chop veggies and meat. Experienced campers would be well aware of the many uses of a bushcraft knife.

If you happen to be a first-time knife buyer, then do not forget to add a sturdy bushcraft knife to your survival kit. Its incredible sharpness makes it a camper’s best friend.


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