Solitude, a beautiful sunset and sunrise, and clean air to breathe are one of the many joys of camping in a remote place. The wilderness has a special healing power with the solitude it offers. In these times of being always busy, when one manages to take out some time for wildlife camping, it should be special and well planned. Coronavirus has brought everything to a standstill except for socially-distanced activities, like wildlife camping. Therefore, to make the most of this one of the very few activities not forbidden by the government, one should plan it perfectly to have an amazing camping trip. Planning should be done on two fronts -- preparing for the trip and planning for the camping site. GETTING READY This holds true for every endeavour, that is, be fully prepared. From choosing a favourable camping spot to getting permissions for wildlife camping, are some of the activities that should be undertaken. Not all camping sites give permissions to camp in their area all year...