Kitchen Essentials: Basic Types of Knives

There are countless kinds of kitchen knives with a wide range of uses, and what might be effective for one type of kitchen task may not work so well for another. That's why it is essential to look for the right kitchen knife for the job. In this blog, let's explore different kinds of knives used in the kitchen; whether professional or amateur, no-cook should ever be without. Bare cutting essentials for every kitchen are: Chef Knife A chef knife often referred to as a cook's knife, comes with a broad, long blade with a straight edge. Tapered up to a finely pointed tip, it is widest across the heel. To protect the sharpness, use the chef knife sheath when not in use. Best for chopping, dicing vegetables, with a broad heel area makes it take more pressure under heavy-duty chopping veggies like onions, parsnips. Utility Knife Similar looking to a chef knife, but relatively slimmer and smaller. Few utility knives have sharp tips which allow intricate work and tapers...